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2007-01-23 - 9:05 p.m.

It must be January, because I am going through the "oh my god I have got to find a real job" freakout again.

The folks at work have kindly informed me that when we move into the other building, I will probably have to share an office with my co-worker, Lazy Chick. I am preparing my resume and my resignation letter right now. However, the move is not until April, so I have time to job-hunt before the move takes place. Because I will drive a dump truck in Hell before that happens.

There's no point in rehashing all that job angst again. I got a nice cold splash in the face this afternoon when I went to a couple of "career test" sites and discovered that I'd already visited them all. Right. Trying to figure this out on my own didn't work before. I have to try something new.

And now for something completely different, I am knitting a sock. It's a pain in the neck, but I'm forging ahead. I'm back to the double-pointed needles, having purchased a bamboo set. (The stitches were slipping off the aluminum ones.) So far, not very fun, but I'll try to keep at it. January is hard.

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